Monthly Archives: Juni 2013

Characteristic of the jakarta region


Ondel-Ondel is the result of the Betawi culture is a large doll that reaches approximately ± 2.5 m with a diameter of ± 80 cm, this doll is made of woven bamboo is made to be carried from the inside by the man who took her. The doll is used and played by people who take it. On a face mask or a mask that is applied to the plaited bamboo, which is given by the head of hair made from palm fiber. Ondel face-Ondel men usually painted in red, while the women painted in white color.
This type of show is suspected existed before the spread of Islam in Java and is also available in a variety of areas with similar performances. In Pasundan known as Badawang, in Central Java called Barongan Beans, while Bali known as Barong Landung.
Beginning performances Ondel-Ondel serves as a repellent reinforcements of disorders that interfere spirits. But the longer tradition turned into a very good thing for reassembly, and most of the event is now held at a reception to welcome distinguished guests, and to brighten people’s parties as well as the inauguration of the new building was completed.
In addition to enliven the parade in the past usually also held a road show, “ngamen”. Especially on New Year’s celebrations, both AD and Lunar. Target on New Year’s celebrations Menteng area, which is inhabited by many major art Kristen.Pendukung ondel-ondel farmers including “abangan”, especially those located in the outskirts of Jakarta and its surroundings.
Music that accompanies Ondel-Ondel not certain, foreign tergantug from their entourage. There are accompanied tanjidor, such as group-Ondel Ondel pimpian Gejen, Setu village. There are accompanied by Betawi arts troupe “Banyan Way” leadership Duloh, sekarag leader Yasin, from Rawasari. Those that diirig Bende, “Kemes”, Ningnong and Tambourine Ketimpring, such as ondel-ondel rombogan Lamoh leadership, Kalideres. The Betawi ondel Ondel basically still survive and become trimmer in the face of the metropolitan city of Jakarta.